Nilin want you to be 100% satisfied with the quality of all Natural Thai Beauty products. For maximum satisfaction, when you receive your Nilin products, please check the correctness and orderliness of the product. If you find any defects or order errors caused by Nilin 2022 Co., Ltd., you can return the product using the following steps:

1. Please contact the company to return the product within 7 days from the date on the receipt that a person signed to receive the product. The period of 7 days includes Saturday and Sunday.

2. You must use a verified means to return goods to company such as EMS or Kerry. The company will be responsible for the shipping cost (return with product cost), only for defective product or a mistake caused by the company. You must send purchase slip and shipping documents that can be check for return status.

3. The returned product must be in the same condition as when you received the product. All labels are available.

4. After the company receives the product and checks for errors as informed, the company will exchange the product for the same new item. In the event the original product is out of stock, the company will issue you a refund within 10 days of return. The company will transfer money to the same account as the original order.

5. Wholesale and bulk orders are non-refundable unless defective or inaccurate.

Please contact us with any questions or concerns.